Memory Lane Monday: Grandpa Clarence

Grandpa Clarence 4.3.1919 - 10.10.2011

"Clarence served in the Air Force at Moffett Field in San Jose, California
where he met his wife, Florence, and they were married June 12, 1942.
He served in the Philippine Islands toward the end of World War 2."
~taken from his obituary

Grandpa Clarence's Military trunk. He wrote inside with white paint...

Moffett Field
Chico Field

This special trunk came into our possession after an online auction to disperse Grandpa Clarence and Grandma Florence's things to the family. Although it would never replace having him here again, it does feel like we have a tiny little piece of him with us still.

I try to imagine Grandpa Clarence when he was there, serving his country in California. His life had been ranching and farming and I believe his desire was to return to his native country and ranch and farm again, as soon as he could. But like every experience of life, either good or bad, this experience would prove to be one of life's better ones for him. We don't read in his obituary all that happened to him in California and in the Philippine Islands but we do read that he met and married the love of his life. And that was only the beginning of something wonderful...

My first memories of Grandpa were when I went to a family reunion with Randy before we were married. He accepted me as if I were one of his own grandchildren. Every greeting after that included an arm around the back and a squeeze. I never thought of him as anything other than my Grandpa to. I am thankful for every time through the years we were able to see him and for the once a year cards he sent. They are saved so we will enjoy them for years to come.

At the graveyard on Saturday, as we stood around his casket and paid our last respects, I felt so touched by his life and I felt thankful for him, and so many others that I have known through the years, who have loved and served. The three rifle volleys fired, the sweet sound of the trumpet playing taps, the soldier's heartfelt message as he presented the flag...

"On behalf of the President of the United States and the people of a grateful nation,
may I present this flag as a token of appreciation for the honorable
and faithful service your loved one rendered this nation."

I feel like, again, I have been blessed to know, to see, to feel, to be. I want to love and serve. That is all.

See you around the next corner on memory lane,

From This Front Porch

Copy and Paste my button. I'd love to walk along with you down memory lane!


Joellyn said...

That trunk is such a great memoir to have. I too loved the gun salute and presentation of the flag. Made me well up with pride. As did the huge group of family gathered around him. What a legacy. It was great to see you again last weekend!

Ryan said...

The color guard and presetation of the flag was a very touching part of the graveside service. It too made me think of Grandpa's time in the military and wonder about his experience. It's a nice thought to think that the start of his wonderful family came because of his service.

Loved spending some time with you all this weekend!

Wrena said...

Thanks for sharing!

Raimie said...

Dear Ali,
Very neat story! Love that last bit about serving.

Raimie Lu

Darcie said...

What a lovely post to the man your Grandpa was.