Soap Winner and My Thoughts on "Love"

And the lucky winners of the soap tonight are...

#5 Heather!


#44 Linda!

These random numbers were generated using

Heather, I already have your address so I will be sending your soap soon. Linda, I will be seeing you this weekend so I will give you your soap then!

Thanks everyone for your comments! I love the comments!

So here are my thoughts on "LOVE"...

Sometimes "love" seems like such a strong word to use when I'm describing things I really like. I often wonder if it is appropriate to "love" material things such as redone chairs, goat milk soap and blog post comments. Know what I mean?

But then I start to try and come up with another word that fits. Just "like" doesn't really cut it. I keep thinking what a monochramatic and dull world it would be if I only just "liked" everything. Things I like, adore, cherish, almost love, favor, care for... nothing, and I mean nothing, sounds right! So, I will continue to use "love" until I can find the perfect word to describe the huge range of things that fit somewhere between like and love in my colorful, exciting life! It is what we make it right?! ;)

With these thoughts in mind I loved all your comments. Some of my favorite...

...I love how excited my kids are every night their daddy comes home from work! -Anna (ahhh, me to!)

...I love that my kids are feeling better after a loong week of fevers and sleepless nights. -Heather (So true!)

...I love when I actually have energy to get my list of "to-do's" done on a quiet day. -Jesse (now that's a GOOD day!)

...I LOVE seeing how a memory of admired generosity and wholesome happiness trickles into the following generations. :)-Sarah (hugs!)

...Oh there is so much I love, my heart swells with love. -Cindy (beautiful!)

...I love my family so so much -MaryAnn (love!)

...Sitting down with my phone, a cup of coffee, and a good blog list makes my day!-JoEllen (smile)

...I love: happy kids...-Tammia (nothing so sweet!)

... Fun to watch my nieces/nephews grow up and learn new things!!-Emily (you are so lucky!)

...1 thing I love is my new country and really hope to be your tour guide one day :) xxoo-Lori (I wanna go to Ireland! Until then keep posting pictures! Hugs!)

...I love you-Kyla (thank you my sweet daughter! I love you to!)

Many, many of you mentioned autumn and the colors, smells, feelings of the season. (oh happy day!)

I loved all your comments! (have I mentioned that before?)

Thanks for sharing your "love",


Heather S said...

I am LOVING this!! Can't wait to get it!

Jessie K said...

Congrats to the two winners! I loved the "love" comments as well!

Raimie said...

Dear Love-ly Lady,
I guess it's really all about what you love the MOST...

Otherwise all those other "loves" are just things that help make earthly life worth smiling about... and that counts for something.

Besides with spiritual peace comes contentment and with contentment comes great gain... And maybe that gain is more love in our hearts? And more love means more joy. More joy means more faith. More faith means more peace!

And on it goes and on it grows.

Happy Here in NE

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners! Where would we be if it weren't for love?

Benjamin Ranch said...

Thank you Alison for the soap. I love the gift, but I love even more that you came for Grandpa's funeral and hand delivered the soap and got to stay at our house. It was so very special to have you here!