Farther On...

On this cold dark night, as we were gathered around our blazing warm fire Kyla asked if we could look up the lyrics to this song. We sang it together a couple times. I think it's our new favorite.

It is performed by a family from Southeast Alaska. We were introduced to their music on our recent trip to Alaska in September. The Father said that when they gather around their fire on their long and dark Alaskan nights, they sing and play music together. It helps them get through the winter and stay sane. You can check out their website here. The mother makes all their traditional Alaskan clothes. This is one of their favorite songs. I think I can understand why...

♪♫♪It is better farther on...♪♫♪



Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing this. I think we'll go to the Juneau Folk Festival next year just to hear this group. The Sperl family usually goes, and Kelsa does a good job singing this song.
Unc Joe

Heather S said...

Aren't they amazing??? Ben has a radio show with another man (paul) that airs in TN. Paul knows these ppl and introduced us to them (their website/music).

Raimie said...

Dear Ali,
Ok, I was teary just listening to their beautiful blended voices. The lyrics are very nice too and I think I'll have to look them up for the next time my fam is together and we get to feeling musically inclined.

Sniff, sniff in NE

Mo said...

Alison, THANKS for sharing this video too! I have watched it several times and found myself humming it through out the day yesterday. It's wonderful!