Seven Days of Thankfulness: Day 3

I think I was in the middle of some Thankfulness posts last yeah...

I do have a lot of "thankfulness" to post about but I had some unexpected interruptions to my regular scheduled postings and then blogger wasn't working so well for me lately. So... we'll try it again tonight! Shall we?

the reasons for my thankfulness

I really think I'm the luckiest girl in the world. The reason? Let me tell you...

My husband was gone again last week for almost 5 days for hunting. He gave me a kiss early Tuesday morning as I lay asleep in bed and groggily wished him a successful hunt.

Meanwhile the kids have been off and on again with colds and coughs that seem to show up this time of year. But nothing serious. Nothing this Mom can't handle by herself. Life is good and I did my best to stay ahead of the game.

So Friday came along. I finished a skirt for Kyla in the morning then went into the school and had lunch with all the kids in turn. After school the kids had a blast playing outside in the snow and then I made German Hotcake for supper! Oh so yummy with sausage and syrup! We ended the evening around the warm fire again, talking and singing and looking forward to Daddy getting home the next day. Neither Baby's constant teething fussies or Biggest Sister's complaints of a hurting tummy could dampen the contentment in my heart.

I got the kids to bed and settled down by the fire to do something (probably a Thankfulness Post) when I suddenly heard someone coming down the hall. It was my 'Sick One' headed to the bathroom. I'll spare you the details of what happened next but suffice to say, I had a very large mess on my hands when it was all over... literally.

About this time Baby began to fuss... and sob... and cry... and then wail. My other 2 kids were asleep thankfully, but my Best Babysitter was the one who happened to be sick. I ran a bath for 'Sick One' and started to clean, only to hear the fussy baby getting more and more upset. As I rung out my rag time after time, I silently wished my Mother were there. Sigh...

And then I quickly gave into my own inability to cope (a wailing baby will do that to me), went to the phone, and at almost 10 o'clock at night, called my Mom. I gave her and Dad the whole sob story to the accompaniment of Baby's whole sob story in the background, and she agreed to come over right away! When she arrived she called Dad to tell him she had made it over the drifting and icy roads on this bitterly cold night. The roads and the cold, I had forgotten about them in the comfort of my warm stove all evening... oh yeah...

So Grandma took over sobbing baby while I helped 'Sick One' from the bath and to a comfy couch. It did take me an hour to clean up the bathroom. It also took me several rags, lots of water and a half a bottle of Bleach Cleaner, a load of laundry and one shower later, to feel like the clean-up job was done.

Grandma decided to spend the night and graciously offered to sleep on the bigger couch next to 'Sick Ones' couch. I crawled in my bed after getting Baby to sleep and fell fast a sleep myself. And yes, Grandma was there in the night to help 'Sick One' through another moment of bucket hugging. And I slept right through it... ahem...

So that's the story of why I am so lucky and so very thankful! Thanks Mom and Dad for being there. Again.

Love your daughter down the road,

Oh, and thank you too for answering my 3:30 AM call a few weeks ago when hubby was gone to California and for welcoming us no matter when we show up at your front door. I hope you don't decide to cut the apron strings after all this... haha!


Anonymous said...

This brought tears, Alison... I'm thankful you have them. I've enjoyed your thankful series very much. Happy Thanksgiving, my long-distance friend.

Ryan said...

Ugggghhhhh. I hope everyone is feeling better!

Your thankful posts have been fun to follow. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

All American Family said...

Aren't parents wonderful! What would we ever do without them? Just last week I called mine for the same reason...kind of. I was so sick I couldn't take care of the kids when David was gone to work. My Dad is the one that came though. He's retired and my Mom isn't so he gets grandkid duty when the SOS calls come. I am SOOO thankful I live close enough to my parents I can call them to come help when I really need it.

Paige's Parents said...

Ok, this post made me smile and tear up a little. I know exactly what you mean about being so thankful for our helpful parents who are close by and so incredibly willing to help out whenever they can - the best part is that we don't really have to feel bad asking (even though we do) - they are such wonderful people that they LOVE to help, especially when it comes to their own children and grandchildren. I always say that we will probably do the same for our children and grandchildren and that is how we can show our appreciation to our parents - the chain of love ;)

Paige's Parents said...

But by the way, I am glad to hear that one of the mommy's that I admire the most (ahem, you!) also has to call on Grandma for help sometimes :)