Friends Old and New

This last weekend was a busy but very "special" weekend. It was so nice to have cousin Elaine here with us for a few nights before she headed back overseas. It will likely be many years before we see her again. Wishing her many good days ahead...

We also had Ron and Kathleen (at left) stay with us. Although we have known them and thier family for years, we didn't REALLY know them. It was so awesome to have them with us and get to know them better. The brought so many good things to eat and they spent special time with the kids talking to them and doing puzzles and legos. I'm pretty sure they will hold a special place in these kids heart for the rest of their lives! New true friends!!!

On Sunday evening it was fun to have cousin John and Suzie (center) stay for supper. Thanks so much for the wonderful apple crisp for dessert guys! We feel so lucky to be surrounded by so many friends and so much love.

We have much to encourage us on and our hearts are full after all the privileges of the weekend. And now another weekend is upon us. Hope you have a great one!

Don't miss my catch-up posts following this one...

Big Bud!
Attitude Up!
Simplify: Week Five



Benjamin Ranch said...

Loved all of your catch up posts! Fun for Colter to see the Big Bud for real!

Melinda said...

So fun to catch up with ya here. Can relate to your thankfulness for recent privileges. We had a wonderful evening last night. Up till midnight visiting with Bonnie S., and more special times today with everyone. It just leaves me feeling so thankful!

Aleta said...

Thanks for all the posts! Loved seeing Elaine with you. We're glad Colter made it safely to Virginia!

Darcie said...

WOW...flashback...I know ALL these special people in this post! I am sure your time was very rich indeed!

The J's said...

I've been slow on my blog reading, but enjoyed coming by this morning and catching up again! Sweet days, sweet memories!