Basking in the Glow and a High Resolution!

Dear Front Porch Visitors,

The above picture was one of my favorites taken of one of the "highlights" of our holidays. You can see Randy with Lita on his back and then Maya, Colter, and Kyla headed up the stairs to view the torch and firework display at our local ski resort. Beautiful New Years evening.

We have had such a wonderful couple weeks behind us now. I will post some other highlights soon! Tomorrow the kids return to school so I'm sitting here tonight, basking in the glow of our wonderful days, not quite sure I'm ready to face tomorrow. Just not quite thinking about it helps. But, the alarm clock will ring bright and early and we'll be off to the races. Thank goodness the kids are happy to head back to school. :)

And then there is this business about my new years resolution. I'm going way out there this year! This was someone else's idea and when I read that they were going to make it their new years resolution I thought "oh, my... that poor person!" Then I thought to myself... "why don't you do it!" It's absolutely CRAZY!!! But I know if I can stick to it, it would really be a healthy step for me and if I say it here, on this blog, I just might have a chance of sticking to it! So....... (drumroll please)

I resolve to eat NO chocolate this year.

There I said it! And... I'm gonna do it! It's a high resolution but think of all the desserts, treats, drinks and snacking it would cut out! Plus, I'm highly addicted and I'm taking drastic measures. It'll be kinda fun to... to see if I really can do it. Anyone want to join me? I'll be sure to post updates along the way. :)

Do you think I'm crazy?!?

Welcome to this New Year everyone! Hope you have a wonderful 2012! It will be a chocolate free one for me. Cheerio!


Carmyn said...

Oh Al, my Poor dear sister friend... And I'm not even CLOSE to try and protect you from yourself! Don't you know chocolate IS a food group??? All by itself?? You could not have announced a bomb any better. Yikes! But, if you must, you must. Now that my shock is slightly less, I'm actually pondering things myself....but, what am I thinking?!

Ryan said...

Oh, dear! I'm going to say it - you poor dear! I'd have to agree with Carmyn about chocolate being a food group...

I know I'd fail horribly but here's one I think I can keep: This year I resolve not to eat chocolate around Alison.(:

Good Luck!

MaryAnn said...

Oh I LOVE your photo ~ that's BEAUTIFUL!!!

Well, I'm not a real chocolate lover, but I do like toffee, nuts, caramel, and a few other things that can have chocolate with them, so,I believe it would be hard to really have NO chocolate for a year, but I guess I'd have an easier time than it sounds like you will. I wish you luck and I'll try and not tempt you ;O

Looking forward to your future pictures and posts.

Thanks for stopping by Saturday ~ please please please do it again, anytime. I'd love it!


Alison said...

Thanks for your comments ladies! You all gave me a good laugh! Thanks for the well wishes and for not tempting me. So far I've been drinking a lot of herbal tea and it is really helping with my cravings. But Carmyn, I don't think you should give up chocolate. Wait till you are adjusted to your new life and have had a few more years of married life and kids. Then desparate measures are in order... ;)

Thanks Mary, we'll have to stop by again. loved it!

Ethel said...

is it milk chocolate you eat? maybe you're allergic to the milk? try dark chocolate? ..if you crave something you're usually allergic to something in it..bummer to be allergic to chocolate!!

Benjamin Ranch said...

My theory is, that saying you can never have a thing is setting yourself up for failure. I like to allow an occasional (OK,it's been more than occasional for me lately:-) high quality small piece...and make it extra dark. It keeps away the cravings and is quite satisfying.Dove has a guilt free size and has the extra bonus of a special thought that makes you smile. That said, if going cold turkey all the way works for you...more power to you and lots of admiration from me!