It's been 19 years since Randy has been back to the convention he grew up going too. The kids and I have never been there but enjoyed hearing him tell us about this special place. For quite a few years now we have been wanting to get back there but haven't been able to. With the recent "forced time-offs" that Randy has had to take at work, we decided this was the year to go. This meant we would have two conventions back to back because our home convention was only the week before. Wowza! But it all turned out perfect and now we are basking in the glow of the special memories...
Between Randy, Kyla and myself we took quite a few picture. I shared a few earlier but here are some more that I know some of you would enjoy seeing...

We took two days to make the 580 mile trip across the top of Montana. As we neared our destination we saw more and more oil wells and grain bins. The beauty is not all that makes this land rich...

A highlight of the trip was spending time with cousins. Here are the girls with cousin Lana!

This path through the farm fields made a beautiful walk. The weather was perfect most of the days we were there...

It was special to spend time with Great Grandma Ruth...

Here is Colter with friend Kip and cousin Evan!

Randy took this picture. He enjoys seeing these nice straight rows of wheat...

A tent full of more girls...

The sunset on our last night...

We have been so privilaged lately and feel like we have been given so much to help and encourage. One of the thoughts that has stuck with me and I can't help but sharing is...
God has been so generous with us. He has poured out so much on us and continues to give of his storehouse beyond what we can even imagine. This should move us to be generous with what God has given us... love, time, forgiveness, encouragement, care for one another, thoughts of good, remembering others in prayer. I need to keep going back to this every day...
It's been good to "go back",